Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CavalryUnit extends Unit
Class CavalryUnit that inherits from Unit. CavalryUnit objects implements methods from the superclass.
1.4 01.05.2022
Carl Gützkow
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CavalryUnit

      public CavalryUnit(String name, int health, int attack, int armor)
      Instantiates a new Cavalry unit. Uses the constructor of its superclass Unit.
      name - String - a short name of the unit that can't be left with whitespace or empty.
      health - int - HP - amount of health unit has. If it hits zero or more, the unit is dead.
      attack - int - damage done, excluding attack bonus, on an enemy unit.
      armor - int - damage resisted, excluding resist bonus, from an enemy unit.
    • CavalryUnit

      public CavalryUnit(String name, int health)
      Instantiates a new Cavalry unit with a simplified constructor. Attack is set to 20 and health is set to 12 Uses the constructor over since it instantiates other variables
      name - String - a short name of the unit that can't be left with whitespace or empty.
      health - int - HP - amount of health unit has. If it hits zero or more, the unit is dead.
  • Method Details

    • getAttackBonus

      public int getAttackBonus(Terrain terrain)
      Overrides the abstract method getAttackBonus from Unit. The first time it is run, the default usedAttackBonus is used to simulate the first charge. After that the attack bonus for melee is used instead throughout the CavalryUnit's lifetime. The bonus is also increased if the terrain is plains.
      Specified by:
      getAttackBonus in class Unit
      terrain - Terrain - the terrain where the attack occurs.
      attackBonus - int - value of the attack bonus used when calculating an enemy unit's health in an attack.
    • getResistBonus

      public int getResistBonus(Terrain terrain)
      Overrides the abstract method getResistBonus from Unit. The resist bonus is increased if the terrain is forest.
      Specified by:
      getResistBonus in class Unit
      terrain - Terrain - the terrain where the attack occurs.
      resistBonus - int - value of the resist bonus used when calculating this object's health in an attack.