All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract controller that has common methods for all controllers.
Action interface.
Enum for the different types of actions.
The class App which starts the application window.
Thrown if a file name is invalid.
An interface that has common methods for all controllers.
Abstract class for creating a grid pane with the ability to add a back button and a title.
A button component for creating buttons with the same style throughout the application.
A class that represents an option in a ChoiceBox.
This class is an event that is fired when a link is clicked.
An enum with different standard colors to use throughout the application.
A pane that contains the story block nodes and the links between them.
A class that makes a node resizable and draggable.
Interface to listen for node drag and resize events.
The different states the node can be in
A passage node that can be dragged and resized.
The feedback dialogs.
Enum for the different valid file extensions.
Class for file utilities.
An enum with different standard fonts to use throughout the application.
The game class.
The enum Game difficulty enum.
This class is a part of the view of the game.
Goal interface.
Enum for the different types of goals.
GoldAction class.
GoldGoal class.
HealthAction class.
HealthGoal class.
Tooltip that displays information when hovered over.
InventoryAddAction class.
InventoryGoal class.
InventoryRemoveAction class.
InventoryRemoveAllAction class.
Class link represents a link between two passages The reference is a string that points to the name of the passage
The entrypoint class of the application
MinimumScoreGoal class.
MinimumScoreGoal class.
Class Passage representing a point in a story where a choice has to be made.
A drag resize event listener for the drag resize mod.
A link between two passage nodes.
The Player class.
The class Player builder.
A listener for player changes.
This class is a part of the view of the game.
The enum Player stat enum.
Interface for the play game controller.
Controller for the story starter pane.
A pane displayed when playing a story.
A pane displaying a passage Contains the passage title, content and links.
Enum for the different regular expressions used in the program.
ScoreAction class.
Interface for the start menu controller.
The start menu controller.
The start menu scene.
Story class.
Interface for the story editor controller.
The story editor controller.
Pane for the story editor.
Handles reading stories to and from a file.
Class for story file validation.
Class for writing a story to a file.
A runtime exception that should be thrown when a story could not be read from a file becuase the file was formatted incorrectly.
Interface for the story importer controller.
Controller for the story importer pane.
A pane for importing stories.
Interface for the story starter controller.
Controller for the story starter pane.
A pane for starting a story.
A component for creating titles with the same style throughout the application.
A class to read the tutorial text file.
Class for tutorial file validation.
A controller to go back to the menu.
A pane to display the tutorial.
Class for a tutorial paragraph A paragraph consists of a title, content and an image path.
A block of text and image to be displayed in the tutorial.
Exception thrown when a story is unplayable
Class for validating objects.
Enum for validation messages.
Thrown if an extension of a file is invalid.