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damageDealt - Variable in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
deepCopyArmiesAndCreateBattle() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.controllers.BattleController
Creates deep copies of the original armies and selects them as the current armies.
deepCopyBasicUnits(List<Unit>) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.UnitFactory
Deep copies units, but ignores overridden attack and armor points.
defender - Variable in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
defendingArmy - Variable in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
deleteUnit() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.controllers.EditArmyController
Called for deleting a unit.
deleteUnitsButton - Variable in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.controllers.EditArmyController
DELIMITER - Variable in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.filehandling.ArmyFileHandler
DialogBox - Class in edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs
A dialog box that extends alert to use a builder to build a dialog box.
DialogBox(DialogBoxBuilder) - Constructor for class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBox
Constructor for a dialog box that uses a builder to set attributes.
DialogBoxBuilder - Class in edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs
A builder class which simplifies the process of building a DialogBox object.
DialogBoxBuilder(Alert.AlertType) - Constructor for class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBoxBuilder
Instantiates a new dialog box builder.
displayArmy(int) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.controllers.BattleController
Updates the information about an army in the chosen elements.
displaySuccessfulPopupMessage(String) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.controllers.EditArmyController
Display successful popup message.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form