All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- getAlertType() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBoxBuilder
Gets the alert type for the dialog box.
- getAllUnits() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Gets all units.
- getArmiesAmount() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets the amount of armies.
- getArmor() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.Unit
Gets armor.
- getAttack() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.Unit
Gets attack.
- getAttackBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.specialized.CavalryUnit
Overrides the abstract method getAttackBonus from Unit.
- getAttackBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.specialized.InfantryUnit
Overrides the abstract method getAttackBonus from Unit.
- getAttackBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.specialized.RangedUnit
Overrides the abstract method getAttackBonus from Unit.
- getAttackBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.Unit
Gets attack bonus.
- getAttacker() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
Deprecated.Gets the attacker.
- getAttackingArmy() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
Deprecated.Gets the attacking army with the attacking unit.
- getAttackLog() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Battle
Returns the log of attacks to easily hold the information about each attack.
- getBattle() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets the current battle.
- getBattleSimulation() - Static method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets the battle simulation instance
- getCalculatedStrength() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Calculates the strength of an army by combining health, attack and armor of every unit.
- getCavalryUnits() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Returns a list of cavalry units using stream and filter.
- getClassName() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.Unit
Gets the name of the class.
- getClassName() - Method in enum class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.UnitType
Gets the class name from the enum
- getCommanderUnits() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Returns a list of commander units using stream and filter.
- getCurrentArmyByCurrentNumber() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets current army by current number.
- getCurrentArmyByNumber(int) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets current army by an army index number.
- getCurrentArmyNumber() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets the current army number.
- getDamageDealt() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
Deprecated.Gets the damage done by the attacker to the defender.
- getDefender() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
Deprecated.Gets the defender.
- getDefendingArmy() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
Deprecated.Gets the defending army with the defending unit.
- getFilePath(String) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.filehandling.ArmyFileHandler
Uses the system default file explorer to get a file path of the user's choice.
- getFilePathByNumber(int) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets file path by an army index number.
- getHeader() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBoxBuilder
Gets the header for the dialog box.
- getHealth() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.Unit
Gets health.
- getImage() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBoxBuilder
Gets the image for the dialog box.
- getImportedLinesSkipped() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets a list of all lines skipped when importing an army.
- getInfantryUnits() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Returns a list of infantry units using stream and filter.
- getListMessages() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBoxBuilder
Gets the list message for the dialog box.
- getMessage() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBoxBuilder
Gets the message for the dialog box.
- getName() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Gets the army's name.
- getName() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.Unit
Gets name.
- getOriginalArmyByNumber(int) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets the original army by an army index number.
- getRandom() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Gets a random unit from the list.
- getRangedUnits() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Army
Returns a list of ranged units using stream and filter.
- getReadableName() - Method in enum class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Terrain
Gets the name from the enum
- getReadLinesSkipped() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.filehandling.ArmyFileHandler
Gets the amount of units that were skipped when reading from file.
- getResistBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.specialized.CavalryUnit
Overrides the abstract method getResistBonus from Unit.
- getResistBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.specialized.InfantryUnit
Overrides the abstract method getResistBonus from Unit.
- getResistBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.specialized.RangedUnit
Overrides the abstract method getAttackBonus from Unit.
- getResistBonus(Terrain) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.Unit
Gets resist bonus.
- getScoreByNumber(int) - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.BattleSimulationSingleton
Gets score by an army index number.
- getStage() - Static method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.App
Gets the main stage for the program
- getTerrain() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Battle
Gets the terrain where the battle occurs.
- getTerrain() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.SimulationAttack
Deprecated.Gets the terrain where the attack occurs.
- getTerrain(String) - Static method in enum class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Terrain
Gets a Terrain enum from a string.
- getTitle() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.client.dialogs.DialogBoxBuilder
Gets the title of the dialog box.
- getUnitType(String) - Static method in enum class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.units.UnitType
Gets a UnitType enum from a string.
- getWinner() - Method in class edu.ntnu.idatt2001.carljgu.battle.Battle
Gets the winner of the army or a null object.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form